Ninetta™ Begonia

Begonia 'Monhrbt'

SKU #45590

Good to Grow...indoors:

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Delightful crinkled and spotted foliage is deeply dark green on top and burgundy red on the underside. Great in the garden where hardy, or makes a wonderful houseplant. Soft pink flowers bloom in summer and fall outdoors, sporadically through the year indoors. Evergreen.
LIGHT: Bright Indirect Light
WATER: Water when top 2 in. of soil is dry.
SIZE: Reaches 2 ft. tall, 3 ft. wide.

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This Plant's Growing Zones: ALL

USDA Cold Hardiness Zone Map

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Grow Indoors in All Zones

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Bloom TimeSummer and fall
Special FeaturesDramatic Foliage Color
Growth RateModerate
Growth HabitMounding
Flower AttributesShowy Flowers
Landscape UseBarrier, Container, Houseplant
Flower ColorPink
Foliage ColorDark Green
Care InstructionsThrives in enriched, evenly moist, cool, well drained soil with partial shade. In hot summer climates, protect from harsh midday sun. May be overwintered indoors or grown as houseplant.
Bloom TimeSummer and fall
Special FeaturesDramatic Foliage Color
Growth RateModerate
Growth HabitMounding
Flower AttributesShowy Flowers
Landscape UseBarrier, Container, Houseplant
Flower ColorPink
Foliage ColorDark Green
Care InstructionsThrives in enriched, evenly moist, cool, well drained soil with partial shade. In hot summer climates, protect from harsh midday sun. May be overwintered indoors or grown as houseplant.

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We have been pioneers and craftsmen in the art of growing plants for nearly

100 years. Since our founding in Southern California by Harry E. Rosedale, Sr.
in 1926, we have been absolutely dedicated and obsessed with quality.

We have been pioneers and craftsmen in the art of growing plants for nearly 100 years. Since our founding in Southern California by Harry E. Rosedale, Sr. in 1926, we have been absolutely dedicated and obsessed with quality.