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Fire Dragon Canna

Canna x generalis 'Fire Dragon'

Pronunciation: KAN-uh jen-er-RAY-liss
SKU #43749

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A profusion of showy scarlet-red blooms tops lush tropical foliage. A semi-dwarf variety selected for its extended bloom time and self-cleaning flowers - no deadheading required! Beautiful as a backdrop in a landscape or as a showpiece on a patio or pool deck. Thrives in hot, humid climates. Ideal for mass plantings, bedded areas or containers. An herbaceous perennial in warmer regions; a lush tropical annual in less temperate regions.
LIGHT: Full sun
WATER: Keep soil evenly moist.
SIZE: Quickly reaches 4 to 5 ft. tall, 3 ft. wide

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This Plant's Growing Zones: 7-11

USDA Cold Hardiness Zone Map

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Bloom TimeEarly summer through fall
Special FeaturesEasy Care, Non-toxic to Cats and Dogs, Fast Growing
Problems/SolutionsVery Wet Areas
Growth RateFast
Flower AttributesLong Bloom Season, Showy Flowers
Patent ActAsexual reproduction of plants protected by the Plant Patent Act is prohibited during the life of the patent.
Landscape UseBorder, Container, Poolside
Design IdeasUse this canna to create an undeniably tropical look, even where there's frost. Add to existing beds and borders for contrasting form or texture. A natural beside pools and water gardens. Favorite of modern garden designers. Excellent in pots on porch, patio, terrace and balcony.
Flower ColorRed
Foliage ColorGreen
Companion PlantsPlumbago (Plumbago); Montbretia (Crocosmia); Verbena (Verbena); Lantana (Lantana); Agapanthus (Agapanthus); Cut-Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron)
Care InstructionsThrives in loose, nutrient-rich, evenly moist soils, but adaptable when established; tolerates wet, poorly drained soils. In mild winter regions, leave in-ground for spring regrowth; prune to the ground in fall. In regions below zone 7, remove rhizomes in fall and store in a cool, dry place. As an indoor plant, provide bright, indirect light.
LoreCanna was once called Indian shot because its rock hard, perfectly round seed was used as a substitute for lead shot in muzzle loading guns.
Bloom TimeEarly summer through fall
Special FeaturesEasy Care, Non-toxic to Cats and Dogs, Fast Growing
Problems/SolutionsVery Wet Areas
Growth RateFast
Flower AttributesLong Bloom Season, Showy Flowers
Patent ActAsexual reproduction of plants protected by the Plant Patent Act is prohibited during the life of the patent.
Landscape UseBorder, Container, Poolside
Design IdeasUse this canna to create an undeniably tropical look, even where there's frost. Add to existing beds and borders for contrasting form or texture. A natural beside pools and water gardens. Favorite of modern garden designers. Excellent in pots on porch, patio, terrace and balcony.
Flower ColorRed
Foliage ColorGreen
Companion PlantsPlumbago (Plumbago); Montbretia (Crocosmia); Verbena (Verbena); Lantana (Lantana); Agapanthus (Agapanthus); Cut-Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron)
Care InstructionsThrives in loose, nutrient-rich, evenly moist soils, but adaptable when established; tolerates wet, poorly drained soils. In mild winter regions, leave in-ground for spring regrowth; prune to the ground in fall. In regions below zone 7, remove rhizomes in fall and store in a cool, dry place. As an indoor plant, provide bright, indirect light.
LoreCanna was once called Indian shot because its rock hard, perfectly round seed was used as a substitute for lead shot in muzzle loading guns.

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We have been pioneers and craftsmen in the art of growing plants for nearly

100 years. Since our founding in Southern California by Harry E. Rosedale, Sr.
in 1926, we have been absolutely dedicated and obsessed with quality.

We have been pioneers and craftsmen in the art of growing plants for nearly 100 years. Since our founding in Southern California by Harry E. Rosedale, Sr. in 1926, we have been absolutely dedicated and obsessed with quality.