Welcome, Sunshine! DIY a SunBelievable® Wreath

Welcome, Sunshine! DIY a SunBelievable® Wreath

Welcome, Sunshine! DIY a SunBelievable® Wreath
SunBelievable DIY Brown Eyed Girl Wreath

Spring is in the air and hands are itching to start gardening. Now's actually the best time to start thinking about how you'll decorate your summertime front door with a wreath. Plants purchased over the next eight weeks will be producing loads of flowers in May or early June. As well as plants that are planted at the appropriate time for your zone. When it comes to front door decor, nothing beats a simple-to-make wreath. One that's crafted from fresh from the garden flowers and bits of greenery.

We chose SunBelievable® Brown Eyed Girl Helianthus and the foliage of a Silver Dollar eucalyptus tree. Although any kind of pliable foliage will work. SunBelievable® Brown Eyed Girl Helianthus  is a perfect flower choice for wreath making. The flowers are large and showy, but not so heavy that they need to be heavily pinned into the form. (See below).

You can make this wreath in about 30 minutes after a quick trip to a craft store for a few supplies. Kept out of direct sun and harsh winds. Watered regularly, a fresh wreath can last for up to a week or more.

How To Make a Fresh SunBelievable™ Brown Eyed Girl Helianthus Wreath


  • Oasis Floral Foam Wreath Form (oasis forms soak up and hold water); size will depend on your door

  • 6 – 8 Fresh eucalyptus tree branches (good substitutes are any pliable young branch such as willow)

  • 10 – 12 Fresh SunBelievable® Brown Eyed Girl Helianthus flowers

  • Green floral sheet moss. (Either fresh from a florist or bought dried in bags and soaked in water to plump up.)

  • 20-25 U-pins (1-1/2″ to 1-3/4″ length)

  • Green paddle florist wire


Steps:  (Note–this can get messy and is best done outside!)

1. Fill sink with fresh water and plunge oasis form into water. Soak for at least one hour. The form will get heavy as it soaks up water.

2. If using dried moss, soak in warm water to reconstitute it.

3. Once everything is thoroughly soaked, place wreath form on a stable surface. If the form does not have a ready made hanger, you’ll need to construct one. Wrap the form using your paddle wire and finish with a sturdy loop.

4. Take handfuls of wet or fresh moss and place atop the wreath form using U-pins to hold in place. Continue to completely cover the top and sides (the moss helps hide the form, but also helps to hold moisture).

5. Begin to apply the leafy branches which will form a base for the sunflowers. Pin so they curve to fit the contours of the moss covered form.

6. Once you have the entire form covered in moss and leafy branches, cut stems of flowers to about 1" long. Then insert them into the moss covered form. (Tip–this is even easier if you tie the stems to a toothpick or florist’s wired pick!)

7. Once complete, hang in a cool, sheltered, most-shady location. Check daily and ensure that the form is still heavy and wet. If necessary, fill a clean, new trash can lid with water. Then, place undecorated side down, and soak until everything perks up.

That’s it! Thirty minutes and you’ll be in a sunshine state!

Start crafting!

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2019-03-15 09:40:00

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