Tips for Bringing Ferns Indoors for Winter

Tips for Bringing Ferns Indoors for Winter

Before the first frost of the fall is the perfect time to bring potted ferns indoors for the winter. Here are a few tips to keep them healthy and happy.

  • Hose down each plant to clean the foliage. Then inspect closely for insects that might be hiding in the foliage.
  • Wipe down the pots to remove any soil that may have splashed on them during the summer.
  • Let them dry and then carry them into the house placing them on saucers. This will protect floors and surfaces from runoff.
  • Some plants may also have put on a lot of new growth over the summer. They will require a bit of pruning to shape them up before you bring them inside.
  • If you find pests, treat them with appropriate solutions. A good tip is sinking each pot in a bucket of water for a few hours before bringing plant indoors. This process drowns or uncovers any slugs, snails, worms, or beetles hiding below the surface of the soil.


Learn More

  • Ready to get your hands on some gorgeous ferns that thrive indoors and outdoors? Use the Find a Garden Center tool to find your nearest Monrovia retailer. 
  • Curious what ferns grow well indoors? Find our favorites here. 
  • Want to use more ferns in your garden design? Get some fresh ideas here. 
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2017-09-14 11:52:00