Object of Desire: The Romantic Peony Flower

Object of Desire: The Romantic Peony Flower

Yes, they're fairy-tale romantic, but Itoh peonies are easy-to-grow. Surprisingly tough little beauties, these can produce up to fifty flirty flowers on each plant. Known as intersectional hybrids, the leaves and flower forms resemble those of tree peonies. The growth habit is similar to that of herbaceous peonies. Flowers are held upright on top of the bush and never require any kind of support. When they bloom in late spring, place a vase next to the bed where you can appreciate their soft scent.

Keikoâ„¢(Adored) Itoh Peony

Dark lavender-pink petals mature and fade to a soft pink, revealing a cluster of yellow stamens in the center. Zone: 4 – 8

Lush and Petal-icous


Morning Lilac Itoh Peony
Zone: 4 – 9

Large, fragrant, fuchsia-pink blooms with vivid gold stamens and white highlights.


Bartzella Itoh Peony
Zone: 4 – 9

Double, full, bright yellow blossoms with a slight red center stain and spicy scent.


Cora Louise Itoh Peony
Zone: 4 – 8

Softly-scented white blossoms with striking dark-lavender central flares.

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2017-02-14 01:09:00