Cool Combo: White + Waterwise Shrubs for Your Garden

Cool Combo: White + Waterwise Shrubs for Your Garden

Whether you live under drought restrictions or prefer using less water in the garden, there are plenty of flowering shrubs. These plants will still bloom in drier conditions.

We’re especially fond of shrubs with white blooms. That color just seems to tap a cool, fresh and bright look and feel, without turning on the tap. Most of our picks will need water in the first year to become established, becoming more self-sufficient in subsequent years. Others are drought-tolerant from the start. Divvied up by groups of zones, these are only a few of the great waterwise options available.

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White and Waterwise Shrubs for Zones 2-6


Fragrant Star Azalea
Zone: 5 – 9

Extremely fragrant, snowy white flowers top lovely blue foliage. Partial to full sun.


White Rugosa Rose
Zone: 2 – 9

Intensely fragrant, single, snow-white blooms all summer. Full sun.


Diabolo® Ninebark
Zone: 2 – 7

Deep purple foliage with profuse creamy-white flowers in summer. Partial to full sun.


Petite Snowâ„¢ Butterfly Bush
Zone: 5 – 9

Spectacular summer color from clusters of fragrant flowers. Partial to full sun.


Brilliant Red Chokeberry
Zone: 4 – 9

Spring flowers followed by glossy red fruit and brilliant fall foliage. Partial to full sun.


Hummingbird Summersweet
Zone: 4 – 9

Compact with a profusion of fragrant white flower spikes. Partial to full sun.


Abbotswood Potentilla
Zone: 3 – 7

Masses of bright white blooms provide brilliant summer color. Full sun.


Snowmound Spirea
Zone: 4 – 8

Spectacular clusters of white flowers in mid to late spring. Partial to full sun.

White and Waterwise Shrubs for Zones 7-10


Setsugekka Camellia
Zone 7 – 10

Mid-season, semi-double, white flowers with ruffled edges. Filtered sun.


Spring Bouquet Laurustinus
Zone: 7 – 11

Evergreen shrub with lightly fragrant pinkish-white flowers. Partial to full sun.


Flower Carpet® White Groundcover Rose
Zone: 5 – 10

Prolific blooms over a long season. Full sun.


Southern Moon® Yedda Hawthorn
Zone: 7 – 10

Spring flowers and glossy foliage. Partial to full sun.


Kaleidoscope Abelia
Zone: 6 – 9

White flowers, red stems, and  golden yellow variegated foliage. Partial to full sun.


Christmas Bush
Zone: 7 – 9

Glossy foliage is cloaked with tiny, creamy-white spring flowers. Full sun.


Bennett’s White Rock Rose
Zone: 8 – 10

Evergreen shrub with single white flowers in profusion in summer. Full sun.


Lowboy Pyracantha
Zone: 6 – 9

Groundcover with abundant flowers followed by orange berries. Full sun.

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2017-02-28 11:26:00