Long-Bloomers That Can Take the Cold Winters

Long-Bloomers That Can Take the Cold Winters

Where winters are long and cold, you need perennials that can stand freezing temperatures. Additionally, that bloom and are colorful for a long season, well into fall. In the Northeast and upper Midwest you’re planting right up until the first frost—probably October.

These are some excellent plants to scope out at garden centers for planting right now.

Obsidian Coral Bells
Zone: 4 – 9

Stunningly black, rounded leaves hold their color all season.

Sombrero® Hot Coral Coneflower

Sombrero® Hot Coral Coneflower
Zone: 4 – 9

A must-have for the butterfly or cutting garden, this perennial was bred for cold hardiness and compact form. It has prolific flowering over an exceptionally long season.

Rozanne Cranesbill

Rozanne Cranesbill
Zone: 4 – 10

As a groundcover, in a pot, or under a bed of roses, its spreading form with dainty violet flowers. Plus, it shows color for many months. Deep green foliage is lightly marbled chartreuse.

EveryDayLilyâ„¢ Pink Wing Daylily

EveryDayLilyâ„¢ Pink Wing Daylily
Zone: 4 – 10

An offspring of the popular Stella de Oro, yet even hardier. Pink and cream flowers have a dark pink halo and yellow throat. Blooms early and steadily season-long.

Color Flash® Astilbe

Color Flash® Astilbe
Zone: 4 – 8

Think you know astilbe? Bet you haven’t seen this ground breaking cultivar named for its exotic colored foliage. Tolerates more sun than other varieties.

Silver Heart Brunnera

Silver Heart Brunnera
Zone: 3 – 8

The elegant, shade-loving silvery-white foliage holds well into fall and overwinters without drama. It comes back in spring with cobalt-blue forget-me-not blooms.

Early Bird Gold Gloriosa Daisy

Early Bird Gold Gloriosa Daisy
Zone: 4 – 10

Breakthrough newer variety that’s day neutral (not dependent on day length to induce flowering). Blooms much earlier and continues to bloom later into the season.

Lacey Blue Russian Sage

Lacey Blue Russian Sage
Zone: 4 – 10

An improved, sturdy, compact form that does not flop over in the landscape! Lavender-blue flower sprays enhance aromatic, deer resistant foliage.

Gay Butterflies Milkweed

Gay Butterflies Milkweed
Zone: 4 – 11

Fal is an ideal time to plant this remarkable milkweed with its fiery shades of red, orange, and yellow. Tolerant of lean, unimproved soil.

Gotemba Golden Japanese Spikenard

Gotemba Golden Japanese Spikenard
Zone: 4 – 10

Brilliant yellow foliage emerges from a broad clump to create a grand, tree-like display. Sprays of white flowers climax in fireworks of shiny purplish black berries.

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2017-09-11 16:08:00