How Romantic: Beautiful Bleeding Hearts in Bloom

How Romantic: Beautiful Bleeding Hearts in Bloom

Old-school romance of arching stems dangling with pendant, heart-shaped blooms is the sweetest addition to woodland or moist, shaded gardens. It’s blooms come and go in early spring, but the heart-stopping effect is pretty memorable! Makes a great spring flowering perennial for containers or a seasonal indoor flowering houseplant. Plus, it can be a delightful addition to fresh floral bouquets.

Valentine® Bleeding Heart

Dark and dramatic with clusters of heart-shaped deep red flowers dripping from blood-red stems. Zone: 3 – 8

More To Set Hearts A-flutter


Burning Hearts Bleeding Heart
Zone: 4 – 9

Flirty, heart-shaped, deep-red flowers above blue-green, fern-like foliage.


Gold Heart Bleeding Heart
Zone: 3 – 9

Heart-shaped pink flowers dangle from long wands above vivid golden leaves.


Luxuriant Fringed Bleeding Heart
Zone: 2 – 8

Cherry red buds open to reddish-pink flowers in delicate clusters on long stalks.

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2017-02-13 01:56:00