Who wants to wait for April or May for spring flowers? Here are a group of plants that flower very early in the season, opening a beautiful window to what’s to come in the months ahead.
These are grouped by region to make it easier for you to find the right ones for your zone (Don’t know your zone? Find it here.) Note that zones overlap, so be sure to scroll for even more options. If you have any questions or need more a more specific solution, please do leave a comment below.
Tip: Remember to continue to regularly water plants that you install in fall right up to the first frost. A well-hydrated plant is more likely to weather the weather ahead.

Double Weeping Rosebud Cherry
Zone: 4 – 8
Blooms in early spring but just a bit later than some, making it less prone to bud damage from a late season cold snap. Up to 20′ tall and wide. Full sun. Deciduous

Raise the Roof® Slam Dunk Rhododendron
Zone: 4 – 8
A vigorous, cold-hardy hybrid developed at the University of Connecticut. Up to 7′ tall and wide. Partial sun. Evergreen.

Pink Dawn Viburnum
Zone: 5 – 8
Flowers are nearly lilac-lookalikes. As the air warms, they produce a heavenly scent that invites a closer look. Up to 10′ tall, 8′ wide. Partial to full sun. Deciduous

Passion Partyâ„¢ Passion Frost Lily of the Valley Shrub
Zone: 5 – 8
Variegated foliage and deep-red large flowers. Excellent for foundations. Up to 5′ tall, 3′ wide. Partial sun. Evergreen.

Winter Jasmine
Zone: 6 – 9
While early blooms are not fragrant, shrub’s stems stay deep-green all winter. Great ground cover or on a trellis. Up to 4′ tall, 7′ wide. Full sun. Deciduous.

Winterglow Bergenia
Zone: 3 – 9
Low-growing with excellent fall/winter foliage color, spring flowers and sometimes a fall bloom. Typically deer and rabbit resistant. Evergreen perennial.

Royal Star Magnolia
Zone: 4 – 9
Puts on a show with abundant, pure-white blooms and a sweet fragrance. Excellent heat and cold tolerance. Up to 15′ tall, 12′ feet wide. Full sun. Deciduous.

Paperbush Plant
Zone: 7 – 9
Fragrant shrub for the late winter garden with creamy yellow flower clusters at its branch tips. Reaches up to 10 ft. tall and wide. Full shade to partial sun. Deciduous.

Snow Panda Fringe Flower
Zone: 7 – 9
Such a useful shrub to anchor a bed with snow-white, spidery flowers in late winter and early spring. Up to 10′ tall, 8′ wide. Partial to full sun. Evergreen.

Trevi Fountain Lungwort
Zone: 4 – 8
Plant for early spring blooms in the prettiest cobalt-blue and as a fabulous foliage for later emerging hostas and ferns. Full to partial shade. Herbaceous perennial.

Magical® Gold Forsythia
Zone: 5 – 8
Of course we had to include this early-flowering shrub! Can’t beat extra-large, golden-yellow flowers to cure winter blues. Up to 5′ tall, 4′ wide. Full sun. Deciduous.
Ice N' Roses® Rose Hellebore
Zone: 5-9
An impressive hybrid with big blooms facing outwards to greet the spring. Up to 2′ tall and wide. Partial shade to partial sun. Evergreen.

Windcliff Double Pink Lenten Rose
Zone: 4 – 9
Blooms very early and is deer-proof. And that’s before we point out the stunning double pink flowers! Full shade to partial sun. Herbaceous perennial.

Kilmarnock Willow
Zone: 4 – 8
Small, umbrella-shaped tree is a romantic accent as the center point for more colorful planting. Fuzzy willow buds in early spring. Up to 8′ tall, 6′ wide. Full sun. Deciduous.

Maejima Variegated Winter Daphne
Zone: 7 – 9
Deer-resistant with fragrant blooms and striking variegated leaves. Plant where you can enjoy the legendary scent. Up to 4′ tall and wide. Partial sun. Evergreen.

Nuccio’s Pearl Camellia
Zone: 8 – 10
No list is complete without at least one C. japonica! Check out the two-tone blooms. Add to gardenias for months of glam. Up to 8′ tall and wide. Filtered sun. Evergreen

Belgian Hybrid Yellow Bush Lily
Zone: 9 – 11
Such a wonderful late winter surprise when rounded clusters of up to 60 yellow flowers on tall, elegant stems rise up! Full shade. Evergreen perennial.

Double-Flowering Crape Jasmine
Zone: 9 – 11
Heavenly scent of blooms is most pronounced in the evening. Creates a lush screen at the edge of a patio. Up to 8′ tall and wide. Partial to full sun. Evergreen.