Try this DIY Pressed Petal Art from the Heart

Try this DIY Pressed Petal Art from the Heart

Looking to make your roses everlasting? This is the floral DIY to try! Here’s how to convert your beautiful bouquet from the garden into a keepsake pressed petal art.


  1. Press Grace N’ Gritâ„¢ Rose petals between 2 pieces of paper & flatten with a heavy book.
  2. Heat an iron on low & make sure there’s no water inside.
  3. Once warm, press the iron on top of the paper for 10-15 second
  4. Layout petals in the shape of a heart & glue on card stock paper.
  5. You’re done! Place your art in a frame and hang it up!

Perfect for art!

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2019-02-16 06:28:00