Chilled White With A Slice of Lime: Try this Color Combo with these Plants

Chilled White With A Slice of Lime: Try this Color Combo with these Plants

The garden's looking frazzled and flowers start to fizzle. The dazzling white and green variegated foliage takes it's turn at center stage bringing the sizzle. Yet, still cool as a summertime cocktail. Use them in a green and white garden (so Sissinghurst!) or add in odd-numbered clumps to existing beds where a bit of eye-candy is needed. In pots, tone down the effect by planting them in grey-toned vessels. For instance, zinc or lead finishes, or amp it up with white glazed containers. Here are eight of our favorites. (Shown: Variegated Red Twig Dogwood)


White Stripe Bougainvillea

If fiesta-colored bougainvillea aren’t for you, this elegant yet still exotic selection provides the drama without the heat. Clear white flower bracts against variegated foliage from summer to fall. Perfect for containers. Zone: 9 – 11


Festival â„¢ Lime Cordyline

When you need some architectural form but also want a grass-like effect, try this variety. It brings with it long, bright green and white arching leaves. Ideal for mass plantings or in containers. Evergreen. Zone: 8 – 11


Camouflageâ„¢ Variegated Japanese Aralia

Each leaf possesses a glowing corona that melds into cream, lime and green. All providing an illuminating effect in a dappled shade setting. Produces white flower clusters fall through winter. Evergreen. Zone: 7 – 10


Variegated Red Twig Dogwood

Yes, the blood-red winter stems get all the press, but don’t discount the impact of this dogwood’s summertime variegated leaves. Did we mention it has berries and stunning fall color, too? Deciduous. Zone: 2 – 8


Sun Stripe® Agapanthus

Any plant this dramatic could only have come from Los Angeles, where it was discovered. Strap-like foliage is green marbled with cream, and bordered with a wide soft yellow margin. Evergreen. Zone: 8 – 11


Fire And Ice Plantain Lily

This variegated hosta has slightly twisted foliage with a white center and green margins. Perfect for edging the shade garden. Lavender blooms with white scapes throughout the summer. Herbaceous perennial.  Zone: 4 – 8


Purple Dragon Dead Nettle

Silvery-white leaves with green edges form a lush groundcover that brightens shady areas. For containers or edging borders. It does bloom all pretty and purple, but grow it for the leaves. Herbaceous. Zone: 4 – 9


Moonlight Chinese Fairy Bells

Unique white and variegation radiating from each leaf blade, becoming suffused with purple-pink in the fall. Compact perennial; adds an illuminating effect to the shade garden. Evergreen. Zone: 7 – 10

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2016-08-06 01:10:00