Beautiful Shade Solution Shrubs (all regions)

Beautiful Shade Solution Shrubs (all regions)

Beautiful Shade Solution Shrubs (all regions)
Bright pink flowers blooming in a dark green forest full of trees.

Many of you have written to us to detail issues with partial shade. Especially sites with widely varying light during different times of the day. (Shade in the morning followed by full sun in the afternoon, for example). So, we’ve gathered a list of lovely shrubs that can tolerate variable kinds of light. If you need plants for FULL shade, here’s a post with suggestions. 

To give you the best advice, we’ve broken these down by regions. Please use the links below to be redirected to the one that’s right for you. If you have questions, please do ask in the comments below!



Lead Image: Jacalyn Gould Landscape Architecture, Wellesley, MA

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2018-08-08 08:29:00

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