5 Perfect Plants for a North-Facing Wall

5 Perfect Plants for a North-Facing Wall

Gloomy, dark, cool, and typically dry, it's challenging to find plants that prosper in the shadow of a north-facing wall. But that doesn’t mean ivy or bust. There are plenty of plants that not only thrive in these conditions, but some even bloom up a storm, too. Some are natural climbers. Others are shrubs that you either leave alone to sprawl or prune to grow against a wall.

The only time your north-facing wall gets direct sunlight is in the first and last few hours of the day. If that sounds familiar then take a look at these five easy-to-grow favorites. 

Pamela Jackman Alpine Clematis

Native to the mountains of central Europe and northeastern Asia. It's no wonder it can cope with growing in challenging conditions. Covered in masses of nodding deep blue blooms in late spring. Train on a wall or let it wend through nearby shrubs or trees. Zone: 3 – 9

Toyo-Nishiki Flowering Quince

Toyo-Nishiki Flowering Quince

Invaluable for early spring color, Japanese quince is an incredibly easy shrub to grow. It’s tolerant of virtually any soil and waterwise once established. (This flowering shrub also does well in east-facing conditions). Zone: 5 – 9

Lacy Heartsâ„¢ Chinese Hydrangea Vine

Lacy Heartsâ„¢ Chinese Hydrangea Vine

Self-clinging by nature, this extremely rare selection lights up a north-facing wall. With it's shimmering foliage and creamy white flowers in flattened flower heads in midsummer. Zone: 6 – 9

Nuccio’s Gem Camellia

Nuccio’s Gem Camellia

Camellias are an excellent option for growing against north facing walls. Best if they're in a protected spot as they're shielded from the morning sun that can burn blooms. Sparkling white, double flowers come on mid-winter. Zone: 8 – 10

Fiveleaf Akebia

Fiveleaf Akebia

This luxuriously fast-growing climber is commonly known as the chocolate vine. This is due to the intensely-colored, aromatic blooms. Climbs and twines to cover a wall (may require support such as a trellis or sturdy twine strung horizontally). Zone: 5 – 9

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2017-01-30 01:52:00